Monday, August 8, 2011

Ramadan Version 1.0

8 Ramadan 1432.

Let me share with you something about fasting during my ancient pre mature period. I think of myself that I always been a good girl. Yes, an obedient child of Monsieur Ammar and Madame Che Puteh in a weird way. Why did I say weird? Because even though I was nice as a kid, I always been rebellious (yeah you got me, I still am). My mother always refers me as, “dia baik…dengaq cakap, tapi ketegaq” (she is nice, but stubborn as heck).

Since this is Ramadan holy month, I would like to share something on fasting thingy. I regard myself as lucky enough as a started to fast since standard 3. I somehow managed to peel myself against my classmates’ influence of not fasting since they thought, hey I’m only 10 years old! What do you expect? Or fasting is only for grownups. I’m not claiming I was one heck good kid, no, nothing like that. I’ve been naughty, but kind of pious in my own childlike terms.

I still remember went home every evening begging my mother for food because I couldn’t stand my hunger. “tolong makkk…..orang dah nak mati dah ni…… (crawling and nagging at the floor). Yes, that was my 10 years old antics and trick during Ramadan, and mind you it was my own decision to fast). Okay…maybe I was a bit bragging… my eldest sister and the second, I’m not sure they started their fast even at 12! So I was a bit proud that time : )

And today, looking at my 6 years old daughter’s face every evening she comes home with flat energy and weary look, I am never ever feel this blessed for her never once complaints of her fasting. Yes…it has been 8 days. She wakes up for Sahur, breaks her fast with us excitedly, showing me how amazing of her being a young caliph like her other friends at school.

When she pointed to me on early Ramadan that she wanted to fast, I didn’t take her seriously. I thought her will never lasts. Because I pity her….I imagine her so little, yet so determine to fulfill a Muslim obligation. And Allah Subhanahu Wataala proved me wrong. How I am grateful for that.

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