Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tragedi Akibat Teruja

Anda selalu teruja sebegini? Ya, saya juga melaluinya.
Source: Google

Hari itu sungguh excited. Sambungan daripada keterujaan yang berlangsung beberapa hari yang lalu. Takda apa pun, cuma dapat panggilan interview untuk posisi Editor di Cosmopoint Group. Maklumlah sejak dua minggu lepas memang tak putus-putus asyik keluar interview saja rutin aku. Kali ini teruja itu lebih sebab aku memang teringin sangat nak jadi sebahagian daripada Cosmopoint Group. Apa? takkanlah tak tahu nature of business mereka....alah..KLMU.........Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University di bawah naungan syarikat gergasi ini.

So last Thursday I went to the interview with all the excitements running thru my veins, ready to charm whoever in charge for the interview session. All pumped up, I didn't bother to call back to double confirm the venue, or to catch the caller's name even though I always been cautious and keen for details. Furthermore, when the caller mentioned that she will send out the email to me on the interview details, I didn't feel strange when I realized I didn't receive any email from Cosmopoint, considering I got the call, so that's all important.

When I got there (Jalan Raja Laut), I saw two Chinese lady and a gentleman, in their mid 50's busied themselves with the forms to be filled up. I entered the room, already felt confuse but managed to stay calm (darn, I got you fooled!). I began filling up what needs to be done, then the HR lady came to me.....

"You apply post apa ya?" Not a bit stammered, "BM Editor". She looked to me with a blank face. "Who called you up?" Was nervous already, "I didn't get her name, I'm sorry..." I answered her foolishly. “That’s okay…let me check.” So off she went.

Jadinya, aku pun menunggu nama aku dipanggil sedangkan bilangan candidates yang menanti di waiting room semakin bertambah ke 10 orang. Lebih menyiksakan aku, bila sebahagian besar dari mereka ialah orang yang lebih lewat tiba dari aku. Dalam pada tu, akhirnya aku sedar aku menanti di bilik menunggu keseorangan, dan 3 jam lamanya!

Aku resah. Masa tu juga baru nak check phone call yang aku terima, sama ke tak dengan number yang tertera di brosur KLMU yang telah aku khatam sehingga lunyai dalam 3 jam itu. So I made the call, explaining my situation of nobody in HR acknowledge about my interview session and I’ve been waiting for the past 3 hours. There….. I finally reached my most shocking encounter.

I was wrong. Totally wrong from the start. And spent my good for nothing 3 hours waiting at THE WRONG PLACE, WRONG INTERVIEW SESSION! At Cosmopoint Jalan Raja Laut, they are having an interview for trainer and lecturer posts and I was supposed to be at Cosmopoint Plaza Sentral, KL Sentral for Editor and such posts!!!!! How clever of me!

So, without second thought, I grabbed my stuff, asked to be returned my application form that I have filled earlier, and kapoooffff…….ran down the street, made a quick deal with the cabbie, and there I finally got at the CORRECT PLACE at the end.

So after another 1 and half hour wait, I was finally interviewed and gone thru few tests. What went well was my interview session. And I was scheduled for the 2nd interviewed next Tuesday with someone superior, called Dato’ something.

Pakcik all excited, he forgets everything in a flash.
Source: Google

If anyone read this, you might be wondering why this person so excited that she lost her senses? (hearing). This is because, I always struggle with this problem; when I feel excited, I lost my hearing real fast, means I only hear the first few important phrases and I neglect the rest. Also, when I feel nervous, I couldn’t hear a thing (eg: the interviewer had to repeat himself a few times until I heard him right, that I pissed him off).

Just in case any of my buddies came to read this entry and wondering why is she wanting to go back to work (permanent since for the past 2 years I’ve been doing on part time basis)? Here’s the thing. I need this. I don’t want to disappoint my daughter nor son for not able to fulfill whatever they please, or make them wait for their wishes to come true. : ) I love them enough that I want to keep them happy.

Have a nice weekend!


fyruz said...


buley plak salah tempat..


gud luck for ur 2nd interview sis..

Fuadah said...


tu namanya over excited and gelojoh... thanks intan!